The beginning

Since before kindergarten, I noticed hubcaps. (You're allowed to think it, because I know it's weird. My parents thought it was weird too.) I'd point them out in the parking lot of grocery store and tell my mom, "They have the same hubcaps as the neighbors!"

After they stopped playing outside, kids my age used to play in Microsoft Paint. I did too, until I discovered Microsoft Word. I memorized font names -- not on purpose, but because I liked how my named looked in Juice ITC, I could barely read Edwardian Script ITC, and noticed that every single teacher used Comic Sans MS on their handouts. (I thought WordArt was pretty cool, too, but we don't have to talk about that.)

sharpie on sketchbook paper

sharpie on sketchbook paper

I've always loved office supplies, especially pens, markers, and paper. Although crayons always kind of irritated me, I don’t care if it’s a pencil, ball point pen, Sharpie, felt tip marker, or a stick in the sand. Some people argue that you can’t “draw letters,” but I wholeheartedly disagree. Hand lettering is something I am pursuing passionately.

felt tip marker on sketchbook paper

felt tip marker on sketchbook paper